Pruth Bay, Calvert Island

On our way up the coast, we stopped for a few nights at Pruth Bay on Calvert Island. This large anchorage has been popular with boaters for many years. In the past it has been home to several floating fishing lodges, as well as a short-lived private luxury fishing resort.

A little over a decade ago, the luxury lodge was purchased by the Hakai Institute, a non-profit Marine Research Institute that is funded by the Tula Foundation. While the property of the Institute is private, visiting boaters are permitted to tie up a dinghy at their dock, and use their trails to access the spectacular beaches on the west side of the Island. Each of the beaches is a beautiful white-sand beach – like Long Beach in Tofino, but infinitely more wild and unspoiled.

After a day of heavy rain and boat work, Mike and I escaped to the beaches for a little adventure. The only disappointment was that we couldn’t stay longer!

West Beach
On the trail from West Beach to Second Beach
Part of the Lookout Trail, which takes you to the top of a small mountain with amazing views of the beaches.
Mountaintop Selfie
The inevitable pile of washed-up garbage – there’s one at the end of each beach. We picked up lots of small plastic pieces, a juice container from Japan, and even a plastic bucket!
A (slightly crooked) map of the beaches and Hakai Institute property.
Driftwood on Seventh Beach
Waves crashing on Seventh Beach